Setting business boundaries is so, so important. No matter what time of year it is that you happen to be reading this blog post, now is the perfect time to start!
Here are 3 ways to set better boundaries in your wedding photography business:
Turn Off Notifications
Turn off notifications on your phone for your email, social media accounts, and all other inboxes that you communicate with clients through. Limit yourself to checking in 1-2 times a day at times that are convenient for you. You don’t need to be immediately accessible 24/7!
Pick A Communication Method
For me, it’s email. If anyone texts me or messages me through social media, I make no guarantees that I’ll respond within a reasonable timeframe, if at all. Sticking with one method of communication eliminates the chances of things getting missed, and stops me from having to waste time looking through countless different inboxes to find important details relating to my clients.
Utilize Online Booking
Setting up an online booking system was one of the best ways I was able to start setting business boundaries. You’re able to decide when you’re willing to take on sessions and your clients can choose the appointment that works best for them within your availability – all without you ever having to email back and forth with options for dates. Which also means, eliminating the potential for people to ask for dates and times you’re not available!
Since setting up my booking system on Calendly in 2019, I haven’t had a single request for a session outside of my noted availability. Not. ONE!
Setting boundaries within your wedding photography business will make you a better business owner in the long run. I hope you’ll make 2023 the year you commit to your boundaries, leaving you endless room to flourish!
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