A neurodivergent entrepreneur who navigates chronic illness life, could eat tacos and other Latin American food for every meal, never misses a chance for an afternoon nap, and can have an entire conversation using GIFs if given the opportunity.
Whether I'm ordering my groceries online, using a robot vacuum to clean my floors, or automating my mini session booking process to be completely hands-off - if it's possible to simplify and streamline it, I'm going to find a way to make it happen.
Life is hard enough, amiright?!
It was the beginning of my chronic illness journey, and I kept unexpectedly having to take time off. All of a sudden every gallery I sent out was late. I would ignore my inbox for days - sometimes even weeks - because I didn’t want to apologize to yet another client for dropping the ball. And I wasn’t taking care of myself in the slightest because I was living at my computer for 16+ hours a day, skipping meals, and only taking time off to rest when my body forced me to. Thankfully, my dear husband was the voice of reason and helped me see past the chaos so I could start taking the steps I needed to make a change. One last go, with everything I had in me, to make it happen. That's where my love of systems began, and what brought me onto the path that I'm on now. Not to sound overdramatic - but systems literally saved my business!
How I Like To Relax
Reading & Napping
Favorite Drink
tequila & Pineapple
Favorite Season
Dream Vacation
the maldives
Random Fact
i've never had coffee
Favorite TV Show
anything on bravo
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