if you want to book more clients without getting ghosted

The mistake you want to avoid

You're doing great work, responding personally, and are exactly within the budget of people inquiring with you, but let's face it – we're living in an era where people expect instant information and access, and our busy schedules don't always align with that. 

Are You Tired Of Missing Out On Potential Clients Because You Weren't The First To Respond?

let's be real -

86% of people book a service based on whoever responds first.

but, Being the quickest to reply can make all the difference. Seriously -

This short and sweet masterclass is tailored specifically for busy photographers like you who want their businesses to thrive without having to be tied to their inbox 24/7. I'll show you how to streamline and personalize your client experience from the moment a potential lead fills out your contact form.

Not only that - you'll also discover how to automate your onboarding process, ensuring that even when you're busy on a wedding day, at a session, or taking a well-deserved break, your potential clients feel supported and engaged every step of the way. It's about more than just being quick to respond; it's about creating a seamless experience from the very first inquiry to the final booking confirmation.

That's where my Inquiry to Onboarding Masterclass comes in clutch.

Start pre-qualifying leads with your contact form (so you can respect everyone’s time if it’s not the right fit)
Get familiar with different types of workflows (to decide what’s best for you)
Get comfortable with the follow up (because it’s not as annoying as you think it is)
Create a streamlined, yet personalized, client experience (so you can finally stop stressing over missed opportunities)

You’ll learn how to:

Until April 10th!

On Demand Access

You can access the masterclass for free and on-demand until April 23rd, 2024. No need to log in at a certain time on a certain date - watch it any time before then, when it fits into your schedule best.

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers and miss out on transforming your business!

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you don’t streamline your inquiry and onboarding processes, you’ll keep dealing with the same problems you’re experiencing now: getting ghosted, feeling overwhelmed trying to keep up with the admin work, and overall delivering an inconsistent start to your client experience.

Yes! While I'll be sharing examples and strategies from my wedding photography business, the principles can be applied to any part of the industry. Whether you specialize in weddings, families, portraits, or something entirely different, you'll walk away with actionable strategies to take your inquiry to onboarding experience to the next level.

I’m not a wedding photographer. Is this class still applicable to me?

Absolutely! When you enroll in the masterclass, you'll get a personal invitation to The Unfiltered Community, a community of like-minded photographers who are all on the same adventure to build a thriving, streamlined business. It's a supportive space where you can ask questions, share insights, and connect with other photographers just like you!

Is there a community I can join for support?

Of course! Even if you've already got a workflow in place, there's always room for improvement. My masterclass will help you fine-tune your existing process and take it to the next level.

What if I already have an inquiry workflow? Is there a point in watching this?

Since the masterclass is available on-demand until April 23rd, 2024, no replay is necessary! Watch it any time, as many times as you’d like, before the doors close. Unfortunately there is no offline access or downloads available!

Is there a replay or offline access available?



It's about reclaiming your time, avoiding unnecessary headaches, and ultimately, enjoying more freedom in your life. By creating a seamless inquiry to onboarding experience, you'll not only have happier clients but you’ll be one step closer to a business that works for you - not the other way around.

Streamlining your business isn't just about making more money

Doors Close at Midnight on 04/24!